District Leaders

Our current focus is on our District Leaders, this is the group that will be assigning the tasks for coaches, encouraging young athletes to join, and be the main form of communication between their school/town and the AMN team. Essentially, the team of District Leaders in each town have almost full control of the AMN operations at said town, and are entrusted with a large amount of work and responsibility. The job also provides a strong network, is a great resume/college application builder, and grants large amount of community service hours. If you feel that you are well suited for this opportunity, you can sign up by filling out the form at the bottom of the page.


Right now coaches should reach out to their district leader or their district leader should have reached out to them. If this hasn’t happened and you are solely interested in being a coach and NOT a district leader, please fill out the “AMN Email List” form below with your information and respond to the welcome email you receive.